Putumayo's Fauna

Putumayo's Fauna

85% Putumayo’s territory is part of the great Amazonian region with high endemism and biodiversity in species such as butterflies, birds, reptiles and primates (Brown 1982). In the highest point of Putumayo you can find a variety of amphibians and birds, the wetlands serve as a migration site for northern ducks. Preserving the flora and fauna allows to maintain the ecosystem equilibrium so that the water remains a basic element for production. There are variety of sites for wildlife tourism, for those who love the presence of exotic animals before their eyes. Sites like Centro Ecológico Amazónico (CEA) and Paway, El Mariposario are the most ideal to visit in this ecotourism department.

Fuente: https://www.ecured.cu/Putumayo_(Colombia)


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