San Francisco
- Demonym: Sanfranciscano, -a
- Total extension: 573.7 Km2
- Extension of urban area: 0.5549 Km2
- Extension rural area: 573.1451 Km2
- Altitude: 2179 masl
- Average temperature: 16.2º C
- Inhabitants: 7 083 hab. habitants
- Foundation Date: June 5, 1902
- Distance to: 85 km to Mocoa
San Francisco is a municipality located in the south of Colombia, in the Department of Putumayo. Due to the differences between the native indigenous community and the white population from Nariño since the beginning of the century, the Governor of Popayan in 1903 approved the project to assign to The whites own a lot. The natives, convinced by the Missionaries, ceded lands near the San Francisco River called Huairasacha (Land of wind and trees).
On June 5, 1902, Fray Lorenzo de Pupiales began a procession from Sibundoy in the company of 75 people, to the place where today occupies the Municipality of San Francisco, adjusting the place proceeded to lift the founding record.
Economic activity is focused on trade, livestock (poultry and cattle), fisheries and agriculture (beans, peas, corn, mint, lulo). Other activities are focused on mining (lime, marble, gold, brick) and silvicultural exploitation (wood, charcoal).
Church of the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi. Limestone mines. Birth of the Putumayo River in the Sector known as Portachuelo, Las Dársenas, and many other more attractive tourist to enjoy an excellent stay in this great municipality.
It lists the main plant species, both their common name and technical.
(Cerrado spp.), Cedrola (Cedrela sp), Aguacatillo (Necantira sp), Cerote (Esperosmelos Glabrata), Canelón (Clusia sp), Cedrillo (Brunellia sp), Drago (Crete sp.), Ferns (Napolepis Cordiofolia), etc.
Due to the knowledge of the area and information of the inhabitants, there are, among other species: Tigrillo (Margay Tigrina), Gato Montes (Linx Rufus), Venado (Odocoileus Gumnotis), Danta (Terrestrial Tapirus), Wolf (Canis Lupus), Porco Espín ), Lagartija (Lacerta Muralis), Water Mouse (Colunromil)
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