Valle del Guamuez
- Demonyn: Valleguamuence
- Total extension: 871 km²
- Altitude: 289 meters above sea level
- Average temperature: 16º C
- Inhabitants: 51 842 inhabitants
- Date Founded: January 22, 1954
- Distance to dereference: 150 km to Mocoa
Valle del Guamuez is a municipality of Colombia, department Putumayo. It limits with the municipalities of Orito, Puerto Asís and San Miguel, the department of Nariño and with the Ecuadorian province of Sucumbíos. Its municipal head is known as La Hormiga
- The natural diversity and landscape that has spaces and ecosystems representative of Piedemonte and the Plain.
- The faunistic, floristic and hydrobiological resources articulated to productive processes and projects of local and regional development.
- The offer of spaces and natural scenarios for the development of sports activities and adventure or ecological tourism. The potential supply of mining - energy resources, especially hydrocarbons in its subsoil.
- Ecotourism in the municipality is considered by the departmental government and local institutions to be the most promising area because it allows to explore in an integral way all the potential sectors that offer greater natural beauty, equally conditioned to the development of other aspects related to the Good transport service, hotel food and commerce in general. The main attraction is the river la Hormiga for swimmers and the ecological walking path for families.
- There are two parks, the main one located in the center of the Hormiga and the park "La Alegría" located in the neighborhood Nueva Esmeralda. In addition to other sites such as the skateboard, 5 the dining room for the elderly, the community gym, the stadium "Efrain Leon" and the house of culture.
The Economy of the Valley of the Guamuez has had times of bonanzas and crisis. Historically, the early settlers based their livelihoods on the exploitation of rubber. Later it was based on the oil exploitation and, almost simultaneously, the exploitation of forest resources, especially the cedar. Immediately there was an accelerated growth of the population which was dedicated to trade, agriculture and livestock.
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