Carnival of Forgiveness

Carnival of Forgiveness

The carnival of Perdón is celebrated in the valley of Sibundoy, high part of the department of Putumayo in Colombia. It is a festive gathering between the indigenous peoples INGA AND KAMENTSA, a version of the carnival that concludes with the catholic celebration of ash Wednesday. The Carnival of the Perdón receives different translations into Castilian among others the great day, the day of the pardon, the corn festival this last like tribute to the mother earth by the fruits received, the corn, base of the feeding of these towns.

During the celebration the San Juan is celebrated, the head of a live rooster, tied upside down that offers its neck to the assistants to be torn by who manages to reach it. The feast continues its course, with the ceremony of flowers in which the leaders and prominent personalities of the community are honored with flowers placed on their heads by TAITA and some older, their meaning renews the vows of coexistence and reconciliation of these two Villages of different origins Carnival is a way of thanking the nature for the fruits of the earth received during the year.