Big Day of the Kamentsá People

Big Day of the Kamentsá People

The indigenous community of the Camánsá Biya Village of Sibundoy Putumayo, celebrates its Big Day "Bëtscnaté", where the traditional heritage of our ancestors is evident.

A new year to thank Mother Earth for the sustenance of life. They are moments of reconciliation, reunion, fellowship; Of roads for the survival of cultural life Camëntsa. Along with the colorful costumes, our feelings are expressed through the word with music, songs and dances commemorating knowledge, ceremonies, and rituals.

The paths for the "BETSCNATE" has been the heritage of our ancestors for this reason is the survival of the "BETSCNATE" and therefore the millenary existence of the people "CAMËNTSÁ in time.

United let us participate in the celebration with respect and joy for the survival of our traditions.